Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bullying, is it a problem ?

Maggie, good teachers, fun classes, and around 750 students. is there bullying alive and roaming the hall ways of this school? .

This school is well known for the intellegent and polite student body, but do we really know what goes on in the minds of these teens?, honestly i dont think we'll ever know truly but on the outside the part that actually matters most, there is no serious sign of bullying. when you walk the halls of princess margaret secondary you see smiles and casual (not alway appropriate) conversations. From what is observed no one in this school is physically being bullied, then again looks can be deseiving. Under the smiloes, hugs and laughter there is indeed a small but hurtful demon called "high school drama".

High school drama might sound small and nothing even closly related to bullying, but indeed it is and sometimes its the worst form of bullying. Rumors, back stabbing, and constant name calling, this is the stuff that goes down under the cover of the land of milk and honey. studies have shown that emotional and mental bullying if or can be much worse then physical, its the name calling and the rumors that can really sting a kid and even stay with them for life (depends on the personality the person has). Along with all this that goes on at school it can follow a person home witch is really horribble, thats when you start looking at cyber bullying and  maybe even phone calls.

Now theres one question i have for everyone out there, may it be student or teacher. Is there a way to stop this self esteam genocide?.  Unfortunatly no there isnt a way to stop it no matter what people do or say there is those that will never stop being either racist, or just strait up judgemental. This is the garsh truth we all need to learn. There is though a way to "protect" yourself, Be true to yourself and know who you are, dont let people who may not even know you tell you who you are or even who you should be. one more thing id like to say is that people that start rumors or call people names dont deserve to have friends then again maybe thats all they need is a true friend to stand up and say "hey thats not cool".

Monday, February 7, 2011

Collage Application

The Magnificent person that is me became the person that i am today becasue of exiting life i have.

 I have made it around the world in 80 days, twice. I've tamed 100 wild stallions in half an hour, I live in a Jell-o house. insted of getting frost bite when im swimming with my polar bears brothers i bite frost. I lived in a cave with wolves and im now the CEO of my own company. I had jam sessions with my buddy Jimi and went shopping with Janise. Got into a fight with Chuck Norris and won. I am Crouching tiger hidden dragon. 


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

We're not kids anymore

Yes, it has been fun playing around and not caring about the stuff our parents care about like bills and buying us food for the last 17 or 18 years but now its time to get our act together no more staying up late and waking up late, not really caring if were late for school or not NO, now we have to get to school (if you plan on going to collage) on time or else we miss so much and most of the time if not all of the time our collage teachers wont give us the work we missed like our beloved high school teachers, we also have to get our butts out of bed and get a job or we'll never be able to live or do anything and if we have a crazy time table then heck we still might not be able to do anything but we still need to worry about phone bills and rent oh yah and food no more saying "mom I’m hungry" no, now we have to fend for our selves unless of coarse we stay home for collage but guess what i cant wait now why? well maybe its because we don’t have to have a curfew (even though when were in school and on our own subconsciously we make our own curfew) and we cant get grounded that’s a bonus so kids its time to pick up your socks because were not little kids anymore and I know we’re going to miss it but now its time to show our parents yah we can handle the real world I don’t know about you but I’m ready.